
The structure and organisation of the Foundation

This graphic shows the Foundation’s committees

Click on any of them to find out more about their duties:


The Stiftungsrat is the Foundation’s governing body and decides on the research projects. Its eight members are drawn equally from the supporting institutions (two each from both animal welfare organisations, one each from the four industrial associations). The chair and the deputy chair alternate and also represent industry and animal rights’ associations.

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Scientific Advisory Committee

The Wissenschaftliche Beirat guides the Foundation on scientific issues; it also examines and reports on research projects submitted for funding. Research proposals meeting the Foundation’s requirements are then proposed to the Stiftungsrat. The members of the Beirat are recommended by the third body, the Kuratorium, and must be scientists who government and animal welfare organisations can trust. Other experts may participate in the evaluations of the Beirat on a case by case basis, depending on the project under scrutiny.

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Board of Trustees

The Kuratorium comprises representatives of various public institutions such as churches, unions, animal welfare organisations, state or federal ministries, industry, and the scientific community. Its task is to monitor and participate in topical discussion of conflicting interests between animal welfare, science and society itself, in order to foster a broad consensus of public opinion.

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