
Your support is crucial to our long-term research funding work

Donations – your contribution makes a difference

Bringing promising projects to fruition is a long-term obligation. The set Foundation depends on your donations to fulfil it. The Foundation’s strict and clear evaluation criteria ensure that the investments lead to real progress in the development and dissemination of 3Rs methods.

Your donation helps support the work of a foundation that, for three decades, has worked continuously to reduce animal experimenting and introduce new alternative and complementary experimental methods that have since been internationally acknowledged and officially approved.

Donations from single companies amounting to 10.000 € and up will be shown on this website for three years upon request.

All donations are tax deductible. Receipts can be issued upon request. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Foundation’s account data:
HypoVereinsbank Wiesbaden, Germany
acct. no. 43 61 423
bank code: 510 201 86

IBAN: DE48510201860004361423

We thank our Donors!

Lornamead GmbH, Norderstedt

Lornamead GmbH, Norderstedt

Lornamead GmbH, Norderstedt